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We have already received your booking. Please review our hotel terms & conditions below.
payment: Full payment for your stay is required at check-in. Alternatively, we require a credit card print to secure payment at a later time during your stay. You will be advised accordingly when you make a reservation inquiry. Travelers checks, personal checks or cash in foreign currencies are not accepted for payment.
Confirmations: Confirmations that are received by email or fax will be processed and confirmed by our reservation office within 24 hours. A reservation is considered provisional until the hotel confirms acceptance of the reservation. We confirm the reservation by email or fax, stating the reservation details.
Cancellations: Cancellations and changes must be done in writing (eg email or fax). We do not accept cancellations or reservation changes by telephone or in person. A confirmed reservation can be canceled or changed until 3 full days prior scheduled arrival date (for example if you book for the 25th june you have until midnight italian time on the 21st of june to cancel without any charge). In case of non-arrival on the day (no-show) or cancellation (or change) less than 3 days and until 1 day before arrival , your credit card will be charged for the amount of the first night. This card charge is a penalty and not a payment, it is not possible to occupy the room. From the day of arrival, the reservation can not be canceled or changed and full payment for the number of nights confirmed at the time of booking will be charged. Reservations made less than 3 days prior to arrival can not be canceled or changed.
Ocean Vagabond Essaouira
Boulevard Mohamed V – The beach – 44,000 Essaouira
+212 524 783 934 – [email protected]
WhatsApp : +212 618 168 472
+212 524 784 367 – [email protected]
WhatsApp : +212 666 281 147